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Global echarts object, which can be accessed after including echarts.js in script tag or through require('echarts') in AMD environment.


echarts. init

(dom: HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement, theme?: Object|string, opts?: {
    devicePixelRatio?: number,
    renderer?: string,
    useDirtyRect?: boolean,     // Since `5.0.0`
    useCoarsePointer?: boolean, // Since `5.4.0`
    pointerSize?: number,       // Since `5.4.0`
    ssr?: boolean,              // Since `5.3.0`
    width?: number|string,
    height?: number|string,
    locale?: string             // Since `5.0.0`
}) => ECharts

Creates an ECharts instance, and returns an echartsInstance. You shall not initialize multiple ECharts instances on a single container.


  • dom

    Instance container, usually is a DIV element with height and width defined. It's only optional when opts.ssr is enabled for server-side rendering.

    It can also be a canvas element. thus the canvas can be used somewhere else as image directly after rendering the chart. For example, canvas can be used as a texture in WebGL, which enables updating charts in real-time, as compared to using images generated with echartsInstance.getDataURL.

  • theme

    Theme to be applied. This can be a configuring object of a theme, or a theme name registered through echarts.registerTheme. See Overview of Style Customization.

  • opts

    Optional chart configurations; which may contain:

    • devicePixelRatio Ratio of one physical pixel to the size of one device independent pixels. Browser's window.devicePixelRatio is used by default.
    • renderer Supports 'canvas' or 'svg'. See Render by Canvas or SVG.
    • ssr Whether to use server-side rendering. Only available in SVG rendering mode. When enabled, it will no longer render automatically every frame, you have to use the renderToSVGString method to get the rendered SVG string. See Server Side Rendering.
    • useDirtyRect Enable dirty rectangle rendering or not, false by default. See New features in ECharts 5.
    • useCoarsePointer Whether to expand the response area when interacting with elements. null means enabling for mobile devices; true means always enabling; false means always disabling. See Coarse Pointer for more information.
    • pointerSize Size of expanded interaction size in pixels. It should be used along with opts.useCoarsePointer.
    • width Specify width explicitly, in pixel. If setting to null/undefined/'auto', width of dom (instance container) will be used.
    • height Specify height explicitly, in pixel. If setting to null/undefined/'auto', height of dom (instance container) will be used.
    • locale Specify the locale. There are two builtins: 'ZH' and 'EN'. Or you can use echarts.registerLocale to register a new locale. Or supported locales can be referenced in src/i18n.

      If no need to specify a theme, a null should be passed before opts . Example:

      const chart = echarts.init(dom, null, {renderer: 'svg'});


If DIV is hidden, ECharts initialization tends to fail due to the lack of width and height information. In this case, you can explicitly specify style.width and style.height of DIV, or manually call echartsInstance.resize after showing DIV.

The height and width must be set via opts.width and opts.height in the server side rendering.

echarts. connect


Connects interaction of multiple chart series.


  • group Group id, or array of chart instance.

For example:

// set group id of each instance respectively. = 'group1'; = 'group1';
// or incoming instance array that need to be linked.
echarts.connect([chart1, chart2]);

echarts. disconnect


Disconnects interaction of multiple chart series. To have one single instance to be removed, you can set group of chart instance to be null.


  • group

    group id.

echarts. dispose

(target: ECharts|HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement)

Destroys chart instance, after which the instance cannot be used any more.

echarts. getInstanceByDom

(target: HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement) => ECharts

Returns chart instance of dom container.

echarts. use


Since 5.0.1

Use components. Used with the new tree-shaking API.

NOTE: echarts.use must be used before eharts.init

// Import the echarts core module, which provides the necessary interfaces for using echarts.
import * as echarts from 'echarts/core';
// Import bar charts, all with Chart suffix
import {
} from 'echarts/charts';
// import rectangular coordinate system component, all suffixed with Component
import {
} from 'echarts/components';
// Import the Canvas renderer, note that introducing the CanvasRenderer or SVGRenderer is a required step
import {
} from 'echarts/renderers';

// Register the required components
    [GridComponent, BarChart, CanvasRenderer]

See Use ECharts with bundler and NPM for more detailed explanation.

echarts. registerMap

    mapName: string,
    opt: {
        geoJSON: Object | string;
        specialAreas?: Object;
| (
    mapName: string,
    opt: {
        svg: Object | string;
| (
    mapName: string,
    geoJSON: Object | string,
    specialAreas?: Object

Registers available maps. This can only be used after including geo component or chart series of map.

Please refer to option.geo for usage.


  • mapName

    Map name, referring to map value set in geo component or map.

  • opt

    • geoJSON Optional. Data in GeoJson format. See for more format information. Can be a JSON string or a parsed object. This key can also be geoJson.

    • svg Optional. Data in SVG format. Can be a SVG string or a parsed SVG DOM object. See more info in SVG Base Map. Introduced in v5.1.0

    • specialAreas Optional. zoomed part of a specific area in the map for better visual effect. Only work for geoJSON.

For example USA Population Estimates:

echarts.registerMap('USA', usaJson, {
    // Move Alaska to the bottom left of United States
    Alaska: {
        // Upper left longitude
        left: -131,
        // Upper left latitude
        top: 25,
        // Range of longitude
        width: 15
    // Hawaii
    Hawaii: {
        left: -110,
        top: 28,
        width: 5
    // Puerto Rico
    'Puerto Rico': {
        left: -76,
        top: 26,
        width: 2


If you only import the required components in your project, starting from v5.3.0 registerMap has to be used after the MapChart or GeoComponent is imported.

echarts. getMap

(mapName: string)

Get a registered map in the following format:

    // geoJSON data of the map
    geoJSON: Object,
    // special area, see registerMap() for more information
    specialAreas: Object


  • geoJSON can also be geoJson, they have the same reference.
  • SVG registered by registerMap can not be obtained by this method yet.
  • If you only import the required components in your project, starting from v5.3.0 getMap has to be used after the MapChart or GeoComponent is imported.

echarts. registerTheme

(themeName: string, theme: Object)

Registers a theme, should be specified when initialize the chart instance.

echarts. registerLocale


Since 5.0.0

(locale: string, localeCfg: Object)

Registers a locale, should be specified when initialize the chart instance. See the format in src/i18n/langEN.ts

echarts. setPlatformAPI


Since 5.3.0

(platformAPI?: {
    createCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement
    measureText(text: string, font?: string): { width: number }
        src: string,
        onload: () => void,
        onerror: () => void
    ): HTMLImageElement
}) => void

Sets the platform-related API, which may need to be provided when non-browser platforms such as NodeJS.

  • createCanvas Creates a Canvas element, mainly used for measuring text width, which is required when measureText is not provided.
  • measureText measures the width of the text. By default will use the interface provided by the Canvas element to measure the width of the text. It can be replaced with a lighter implementation.
  • loadImage Load image, required when using Canvas rendering mode and using URLs as images.

echarts. graphic


Util methods about graphics.

echarts.graphic. extendShape


Create a new shape class.

    opts: Object
) => zrender.graphic.Path

The details of the parameter opts can be checked in zrender.graphic.Path

echarts.graphic. registerShape


Register a user defined shape.

    name: string,
    ShapeClass: zrender.graphic.Path

The ShapeClass should be generated by echarts.graphic.extendShape. Then the shape class can be fetched by echarts.graphic.getShapeClass registerShape will overwrite the registered shapes, including the registered built-in shapes, if using the same name. The registered shapes can be used in custom series and graphic component by declaring {type: name}.

For example:

var MyShape = echarts.graphic.extendShape({
    shape: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        width: 0,
        height: 0
    buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
        ctx.moveTo(shape.x, shape.y);
        ctx.lineTo(shape.x + shape.width, shape.y);
        ctx.lineTo(shape.x, shape.y + shape.height);
        ctx.lineTo(shape.x + shape.width, shape.y + shape.height);
echarts.graphic.registerShape('myCustomShape', MyShape);

var option = {
    series: {
        type: 'custom',
        coordinateSystem: 'none',
        renderItem: function (params, api) {
            return {
                type: 'myCustomShape',
                shape: {
                    x: api.value(0),
                    y: api.value(1),
                    width: api.value(2),
                    height: api.value(3)
                style: {
                    fill: 'red'
        data: [[10, 20, 30, 40]]

echarts.graphic. getShapeClass


Get the registered shape class.

    name: String
) => zrender.graphic.Path

Some built-in shapes are registered by default: 'circle', 'sector', 'ring', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rect', 'line', 'bezierCurve', 'arc'.

echarts.graphic. clipPointsByRect


Clip the given points by the given rectangular.

    // The points to be clipped, like [[23, 44], [12, 15], ...].
    points: Array.<Array.<number>>,
    // The rectangular that is used to clip points.
    rect: {
        x: number,
        y: number,
        width: number,
        height: number
) => Array.<Array.<number>> // The result Points.

echarts.graphic. clipRectByRect


Clip the first input rectangular by the second input rectangular.

    // The rectangular to be clipped.
    targetRect: {
        x: number,
        y: number,
        width: number,
        height: number
    // The rectangular that is used to clip the first  rectangular.
    rect: {
        x: number,
        y: number,
        width: number,
        height: number
) => { // The result rectangular.
    x: number,
    y: number,
    width: number,
    height: number

Notice: if the rect is totally clipped, returns undefined.